About the Organization


Diversity Alliance Trading Association ("DATA International") is a diversity alliance association, founded in 2000 as a not - for - profit, professional trade association to serve the diversity industry.  DATA is headquartered in Washington, DC.  The base of the concept was generated in the 1995 White House conference on Diversity-which resulted in the need to expand and make available Diversity resources for the small underutilized and underserved minority owned businesses.  DATA International team brings a wealth of leadership.

Improving efficiency and providing solutions - that is what DATA is all about!


To promote self-help and mutual aid in community, economic, and social development through diversity business enterprises.


DATA International intends on structuring together the relationships and partnerships with other organizations in order to incubate and replicate innovative programs through new and existing activities.  Our partnerships with leading companies allow our members to offer the largest selection of competitively priced products and a comprehensive catalog at discount rates. This makes DATA the practice administrator's true one-stop source.

To join as an organization, please email us at join@diservice.org 

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